Love like no other.



There is no greater love than the one Jesus gives. Just imagine the sacrifice he made for us: Dying in a cross an awful and painful death, destined for the worst of the worst, and Jesus is not even close to that description. In fact he was the opposite: Without sin, humble and full of love, compassion and obedience.

Why would you think someone that has done nothing wrong would deserve such an awful death?

For being true to what He believed. For being honest about who He is. For sharing his Father’s word and promise to us. It seems almost unthinkable that someone that is following such a good cause (to put it lightly) would ever face so much hate, condemnation and finally death. And we may even think that if we would’ve been there we would have believed in Him. But this isn’t the reality. The reality is that we probably would’ve been the ones who despised him, not believe in him, called him names, condemn him…

You see, our flesh is so weak, we cannot stand to be against our peers for fear of isolation from society. We want to follow what everyone is doing, regardless of its meaning. That is sad. We shouldn’t be afraid to stand our ground for what we really believe. I am in that stage where I am trying to be truthful to what I believe: Jesus is my only Lord and Savior, and He has the power to deliver me from anything made by man, because He is no man, He is the Lord of everything.

Why wouldn’t I trust and be on the side of the Living God when I would have all to gain and nothing to lose?

Love is simple for Jesus. He just love us just as we are: with every imperfection and flaw… and He sees us just lovely and beautiful. I am amazed at how his love is just infinite and without reproach. Who else can offer you to love you just as you are and at the same time give you the greatest gift of all? And just for a very important acknowledgment: Jesus is Lord and our Savior. He is the son of God who came to redeem us from our sins and offer us eternal salvation. 

I am so in love and passionate about Jesus! I have received so much form him, and everyday is even better knowing that He is taking care of me. No matter what comes our way, He is faithful and He is there with us. He gives us strength where there is none left, He gives love where there’s no love left, He gives us encouragement where there is none, He accepts us when the world rejects us, He give us his salvation where no one else does!

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-. Ephesians 2:8

I just wanted to share how much He cares for each and every one of us. In every detail He will take care if us. I have experience it firsthand. If your faith is strong and true to Jesus, there is nothing that can go against you, because there is nothing and no one more powerful than JesusChrist.

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. John 14:23

The creator of all, the one who created us and all that we see is given us this amazing promise. How can we not surrender ourselves to him? Sometimes it make take a very hurtful moment or a broken life or heart so we turn to God for help. Believe me He is there waiting for your clamor. He has always been there, just waiting. And what freedom you can experience once you get to know Jesus. There is no one like Him.

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:14-19




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